Tag: discourse
New Article on “Left Populism and Foreign Policy” Accepted
I am happy to announce that my co-authored article (with Emmy Eklundh and Thorsten Wojczewski) “Left populism and foreign policy: Bernie Sanders and Podemos” has been accepted for publication by International Affairs. The article is part of a special section on “The Effects of Global Populism” (ed. Daniel F. Wajner, Sandra Destradi and Michael Zürn)…
New Chapter on Trumpism and Anxiety Coming Out in 2024
I’m happy to announce that my co-authored chapter (with Dirk Nabers) on “Discourse, Fantasy and Anxiety in Trump’s America” has been accepted to be published as part of the volume Anxiety Culture: The New Global State of Human Affairs, edited by John P. Allegrante, Ulrich Hoinkes, Michael Schapira, and Karen Struve. The book will be…
German Foundation for Peace Research Funds Project on “Gender in German Peace and Security Policy”
Beginning in September 2022, the German Foundation for Peace Research (DSF) will fund my project on “Gender in German Peace and Security Policy” for 2,5 years. Gender constructions – understood as socially/discursively produced conceptions of masculinity and femininity – play an important role in foreign policy and international politics. Social constructions of subjects (e.g., political…
Article in Kiel University’s Research Magazine on Project KNOWPRO
The newest issue of “Unizeit,” Kiel University’s research magazine, features a detailed (German-language) article on our new project on “Knowledge Production in German Peace and Security Policy”, a collaboration with the University of Bremen and the University of Erfurt. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The article is…
BMBF Funds Project on “Knowledge Production in German Peace and Security Policy”
The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has announced that it will fund the collaborative project “Knowledge Production in German Peace and Security Policy (KNOWPRO)” as part of its funding initiative to strengthen peace and conflict research, with ca. 1.5 million EUR. Focussing on Afghanistan and Somalia as case studies, the project examines…
Symposium on Laclau and IR/IPE published online in New Political Science
The symposium “The contribution of Laclau’s discourse theory to International Relations and International Political Economy,” which I co-edited with Dirk Nabers, has been published online as part of issue 2/2019 of New Political Science. Further information and some pre-prints are available here. A free eprint for the introduction is available here, one for my contribution…
Article on Securitization as Discursive (Re)Articulation published online
I am happy to say that my article “Securitization as Discursive (Re)Articulation: Explaining the Relative Effectiveness of Threat Construction,” part of our symposium on Laclau and IR/IPE in New Political Science, has been published online. It is available here: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/07393148.2019.1596682 A pre-print is available here.